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Economics and mental health
Mental health and finances are more closely related than most people think.
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Recently, prices have skyrocketed, which has led to tighter finances for many. Some may have received their first debt collection claim, and others' claims are only growing. Losing control of the finances is for some first steps to mental health problems.

Bad finances are a taboo subject for most of us. No one wants to talk about payment problems or debt they have to sort things out on their own.

The overwhelming feeling of stress that often comes with being completely alone with financial problems is rarely talked about, and how much of a burden it can have on both physical and mental health

In addition, it is well known that you do not make the best decisions when you are in a very stressful situation.

In such stress, some choose to take out loans to cover daily expenses and other obligations, but this is a short-term and unsustainable solution. And doesn't solve the problems.

More and more people are now aware of the increased expenses and feel that they are losing control. Regardless of whether the debt is high or low, loss of control and lack of solutions can cause you to begin to struggle. Now it is therefore important to get an overview of income and expenses.

The most important thing is to get started. For every day you postpone the problems, they increase, in the form of interest.

Start by getting an overview of what you owe. This may be the most difficult step, but also the most important. Once you have done this, you can look at your income and expenses and set up a budget. Then you find out how much you have left over to spend on paying off the debt each month. After you have finished setting up your budget, you can contact the various creditors to arrange a plan for how you will pay off the various claims.

Financial problems also often limit the opportunities to participate in various social activities. This leads to many feeling alienated. Dreading Christmas because you cannot afford Christmas presents, always refusing to go out to the cinema with friends or not being able to pay for your children's leisure activities - not being able to participate due to a difficult financial situation will for the very most give a feeling of alienation and can be a great psychological strain.

The fact that financial problems are taboo, and that the mental health problems that are closely related to this are under-communicated in society, help to intensify the problems for those who are struggling. It becomes too much of a burden for the individual who bears this alone and mental health challenges very often follow. We want to focus on this and help break the taboo around financial problems.

Remember that there are many people who struggle with their finances and need to talk to others about it. You are not alone in feeling this way! And much can be solved by getting help to see solutions in the midst of all the challenges. So help break this taboo and talk to someone if you're struggling with your finances! It can often be the most important step to take.

If you need someone to talk to, you can contact Mental Health on tel. 116 123. The helpline is free and open 24 hours a day. They are open every day.

If you have problems with gambling or computer games, you can contact the helpline on 800 800 40, or chat with the Front page - Hjelpelinjen.