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Collection companies are welcome
Automated Overview
We have already integrated with several debt collection companies. We will do our utmost to achieve a smooth integration that works for both parties, therefore we can do this in 3 different ways, one of which also applies if you have a system provider. An integration will ease the manual workload for debt collection companies. It will also give private persons and debt advisers a faster overview, and the information will be correct.
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All integrated debt collection companies are invited into our creditor room, where they can get an overview of the information sent to the Inkassoregisteret and can process proposals for payment plans.
We will make it as easy as possible to deliver information together with the debt collection companies

<p>Inkassoregisteret opened in June 2020, and the number of users has steadily increased. This has led to many inquiries to all the country's debt collection companies, which have sometimes been challenging to answer. We are able to solve this problem with one of our integration solutions.</p><p>We have both integrated directly with debt collection companies but also system suppliers. Get in touch with us and we'll have a further chat to find out what suits you best.</p><p>At the start of 2023 came the happy news that the industry organization Virke Inkasso recommended that all its member companies join Inkassoregisteret. This has led to more integrations for us, which in turn means that private persons get a better overview of unpaid debt collection cases, which is our common goal. </p><p>Banqsoft, FlexiSoft, and Unicorn are system suppliers to a large number of debt collection companies. They have facilitated an integration with the Inkassoregisteret. Several companies already use this integration and we have good experience with it.</p>

banqsoft logo

Inkassoregisteret åpnet i juni 2020, og antallet brukere har økt jevnt og trutt. Dette har ført til mange henvendelser til alle landets inkassoselskaper som har vært tidvis utfordrende å svare på. Dette problemet klarer vi å løse med en av våre integrasjonsløsninger.

Vi har både integrert direkte med inkassoselskaper men også systemleverandører. Ta kontakt med oss så tar vi en videre prat for å finne ut hva som passer best for dere.

I starten av 2023 kom den gledelige nyheten om at bransjeorganisasjonen Virke Inkasso anbefalte alle sine medlemsbedrifter å knytte seg til Inkassoregisteret. Det har ført til flere integrasjoner for oss, som igjen betyr at privatpersoner får en bedre oversikt over ubetalte inkassosaker som er vårt felles mål.

Coming soon
Municipal and State Debt
If private individuals are to get a complete overview of their own finances, it is crucial to have an overview of unpaid state and municipal claims. This can be tax arrears, unpaid childcare bills, fines and much more. Therefore, it is important for us in Inkassoregisteret to include this type of claim in our overview.
municipal state debt
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